



Mission Statement

Bibbys Models, Toys and Games LLC offers unique automata models that, when assembled, will be working kinetic sculptures. When the crank is turned, gears will rotate, links will swivel, and something wonderful will happen.

I have been making models since I was a boy and have always gotten a great sense of satisfaction watching them come together. Except for my RC model airplanes that you could actually fly, all the rest of my models were just static display models. Then I discovered the world of automata. These models were mostly made by mastercraftspeople usually of materials from an earlier age, leather, brass, wood, felt, etc. These models moved is some way, usually a very facinating way. So I got to thinking, what if a model kit could be created that allowed anyone, even a novice, to build a truly beautiful automata model? That is what is behind Bibby's Models. I hope you enjoy building this kit and I would like to hear from you about your experience with it.

Please email me and share with me your modeling experience.

-BOB STARK, President

Bibbys Models, Toys and Games LLC









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